About Bethamie
Bethamie is the daughter of Mallie, the daughter of Bethamie, the daughter of Percy, the daughter of Mariah...the Daughters the Dust...
~ Asé ~

Bethamie Wyatt has spent more than 20 years developing and refining her craft as a multi-modality facilitator of healing. During this time she has also worked in public health, providing safe and supportive health education focusing on the physical, social, and emotional health of women and girls. Her path into the healing arts was born out of her desire to feel more present, embodied, and connected to her purpose. Finding body-based practices like dance and yoga brought her back into her body and aligned her with a mission to assist others on their own inward journeys.
As the founder of Bmoved Healing Therapies, she places a strong emphasis on being present and building a rapport with those she works with. She is committed to daily practices and rituals which enhance her spiritual and intuitive capacities. This consistent attunement with Spirit positions her to be of service in the most effective way as she guides others in perceiving and releasing deeply held traumas and opening their lives to joy, balance, and new possibilities.

Bethamie's training in 2008 as a Nia (Neuromuscular Integrative Action) Dance/Movement Instructor, led her on a path of her own deep healing with many healers and teachers, including several shamans and practitioners of plant medicine in Belize, Central America. This amazing trip was a defining moment and the experience anchored her in trusting her own path as a healer.
Since then, she has trained in other energy healing modalities, including her Reiki training in Johannesburg, South Africa, and has extensively studied Ayurveda, the ancient East Indian system of healing.
Although Bethamie’s movement classes and energy healing sessions are open to both women and men, she brings her academic background in women’s health to her curated workshops and individual coaching programs designed for women.

Bethamie is excited everyday to live a life of service. In addition to her holistic work, Bethamie provides therapeutic dance instruction in partnership with a local art therapy/counseling agency. Bethamie spends as much time as she can in nature and has recently re-committed to learning Spanish! She devours the work of Black women writers and affectionately honors the spirit of Zora Neale Hurston. She is an abundantly proud Mom to her daughter, Aminata, and loves sharing her joy and zest for life and movement with friends and family.

I am in the Universe
The Universe is in my Body
The Universe and I are One
~ The code for healing, shared with me by Master Chunyi Lin
Reiki Master Teacher Certification
Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Level Certificates
Emotion Code Practitioner Certification
Nia Technique White, Blue and Brown Belt Certifications and License
M.A. in Women's Studies & Women's Health, Eastern Michigan University
B.A. in Political Science, Marymount College Tarrytown, New York

Fill in the contact form below to get in touch with any questions or requests for private sessions.