Taking the journey home to one’s self can often be a winding road, pushing through conditioned beliefs and old traumas. But making your way there, to find the truth of who you are and the possibilities that abound for your unique expression in the world, makes it all so worth it!
My coaching work with you is about assisting you on that journey. Using energy healing therapies like Reiki, the Emotion Code, and the Nia Technique Dance and Movement practice.
I offer options to help you move stuck energy, to release yourself from your “playing small syndrome” and reveal your true voice and what you were meant to do on the planet.
Honoring yourself and returning home to you is a pathway to inner connection, balance, harmony, and positive transformation.
And I said to my body softly, 'I want to be your friend.' It took a long breath and replied, 'I have been waiting my whole life for this.'
~ Nayyirah Waheed

A common theme of all of my offerings, and the heart of my work, is the goal of moving energy through the body for optimal health and well-being.
As we are made of energy, our energetic systems require movement and flow in order to function as the body is naturally designed to function. In a state of flow, without the congestion caused by stress and challenging emotions, our bodies can maintain a stable equilibrium or state of homeostasis – the perfect state for the body's natural healing processes to occur.
Explore my offerings to discover ways we can work together to create healing, flow and lightness in your life.

Music, Breath, Movement, Magic!

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